You know how I love to report on entertaining animal haps in my world, both domestic and wild?
Here's a bit of backstory which may lend itself to appreciating todays "event" a bit more!
If you read this blog you know that Simon is my boy cat and that he is an eternal love bucket. In his previous home he had a best dog friend named Jasper. When Simon walked into the house he would stand on his hind legs and put his arms around Jasper's neck (without fail, Jasper's eyes would about bulge out of his head and he would stand very, very still...) They would also sleep touching each other. It was so dang sweet. When Simon came to live with Liza and I, well he had a
reception. Liza, as you read, was VERY fond of hauling off and swatting Simon!!! So, he never got to really snuggle up with her except on a very rare occasion he could maybe touch her furz while they were asleep but I'm pretty sure she didn't realize it because it happened after she was already asleep!
Now, we share a property with a human, a dog (she's another story for another time!) and Max, who you saw in a video a few entries back. Simon and Max have been cordial to one another. In fact, Max has been very generous in sharing both his outside and inside space with Simon. And Simon, he had Max over for dinner once and several times for more, shall we say, casual visiting! But today was different. Max was over visiting (he's lonesome cuz his person has been away for awhile)
I was laying on the bed and Max hopped up for a little nappy poo but not right next to me. As Max slept I kept talking to Simon and inviting him onto the bed. Finally, he got up, walked
way around Max so as not to be detected and curled up under my right armpit and laid his head on my chest. There we three lie enjoying our rest period. (well, i was enjoying it but I guess I shouldn't speak for the boys!!!) Anyways, at some point Max woke up, meowed and wanted to come closer to me. In the past that has resulted in Simon getting off the I just kept talking to Simon and kept Max from getting too in his space. Max changed his mind and retreated back to where he was and resumed his napping as did Simon and I. A little while later, Max got up again, meowed and walked closer to us. This time he just sniffed Simon across my body and decided to relocate next to my left shoulder. I was so tickled. Both boys were purring and I was smiling. After a bit I decided to get up. I did so v e r y slowly so as not to disturb the nappers. But as I did, Simon decided to take a risk and moved closer to Max, giving him a good sniff first and then layed so they were just about touching. I grabbed my camera, of course. Occasionally, Max would wake up and give Simon the stink eye but for some reason Simon didn't engage today. Just kept his "it's all good" manners on! I guess the possibility of ALMOST snuggling encouraged him to behave!!!
Though the photos aren't great quality, they give you an idea of what happened. Now, about 45 minutes later, the boys remain asleep on my sleeping bag, one occasionally waking up to clean himself or shift positions. But they remain a paws length or less apart!
Max reaching out and "touching" the very, very tip of Simon's furz!!!
Said "stink eye" and "it's all good" from right to left!
In the time it took me to download these photos, the boys woke up, shared mutual hissiness and Simon jumped off the bed. Now, they sit on either side of the sliding sliding glass door staring at each other!!!