It is not uncommon for me to go to bed catless! However, what is common is to wake up with one or both cats either in or on the bed. Sometime in the night Simon (in beige) slinks under the covers without waking me and parks his whole body up against my chest so that his head shares the pillow with mine. I wake up to find him snuggled right up next to me purring, purring, purring. I mean to shout, how much better can it get!!!
And then when Liza (in black) joins the pile, she often goes to her normal spot up next to my head (next to and sometimes TOUCHING Simon, OMG!!!). Sometimes she will park it right there and I will have one hand on her warm purring belly and one on Simon's soft purring furz...
This morning though, Liza wanted under the covers in a serious way. The thing is Simon was under the covers in the exact spot she wanted. And had I let her see him she would have hissed at his sleeping self and he probably would have gotten up to leave. So, she swiped at my face several times and talked at me before giving up and going to the foot of the bed. I felt bad so I gingerly turned on my other side so Simon was at my back and then lifted the covers for my girl to come under...which she did and then turned around several times (letting in the cold air!) before laying down! Then I felt like a purr sandwich with Liza purring at my chest and Simon purring at my back. Never mind about sleep!!!
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