Friday, May 18, 2012


Daisy Doodle Berry: February 14, 1997 - May 12, 2012

Daisy was one of my favorite dog friends. She passed this last week. I love/loved that girl a lot.
This footage is from just a few months ago. She and her person came to the ceramics studio so that Daisy could "paint" a plate. Back in the day Daisy had an amazing tail...the envy of many an Aussie! However, after she was thoroughly shorn one time, the long fur on her tail never grew back. Much to her chagrin she had an almost naked tail like that of a rat!
Daisy didn't love having her rat tail messed with during our glazing session but, true to character, she was a GREAT sport and as you will see, wagged almost enthusiastically!

You might want to turn the volume down as the camera operator didn't realize the video picked up her voice and she is pretty loud.

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