Thursday, January 30, 2014

As I was driving to work this morning these little friends were in the road on their way to somewhere…

Speaking of wool...
A few months ago I brought home some wool batting for a project. I walked in the door and set it on my bed. Simon, my cat friend, jumped up on the bed and started to sniff it… Next thing I knew he had buried himself as far as possible into the batting and fallen asleep. Some time later he hurled himself out of there in what seemed like a big fat hurry and I realized he was too hot! But, it made me realize that he really enjoyed the wool. I also had some raw wool which I brought out to see if he liked as well and he did! So, I took a big bunch of the raw wool and stuffed it into his favorite bed which is one of my old Cashmere sweaters. He was in cat bed heaven! He sleeps on it a lot. When I go to bed at night he is often sleeping on the wool/cashmere bed right next to the heater. And then, sometime in the middle of the night when he crawls under the covers with me all I smell is warm lanolin...sweeeeeeet!

This is Fuzzle who just plunks directly onto her pile of wool and goes in cognito!

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