Monday, March 31, 2014

Puppy Pile!

This is a happy story. The mama to these chubsters is named Jasmine. She was in a shelter about to be euthanized when, at the 11th hour, someone saved her. She's being fostered in an excellent home...the one in which she gave birth to 6 puppies. The almost 4 week old pups are all thriving. I went to visit today to help with one of their feedings. Their mama is kinda petite and can't quite keep up with their big appetites so they are receiving supplemental food about 3 times per day. It was so sweet to hold them and try to get them to slurp up some of their food. It's kinda a messy endeavor! And then to watch them pass out one by one in a pile...well you know what that does to a person!!!

1 comment:

Charlotte said...

I think someone should become a dog owner...