A good friend of mine lives "in town" which means she has neighbors on either side. On one side is a couple that has several dogs. Those folks don't believe in spay/neuter or walking their dogs and enjoy the fact that their dogs bark...A LOT. Neighbors have tried all kinds of approaches to get the situation to change but without success. I was over at my friends house the other night and heard the dogs. Their barking went on for a long, long time. I couldn't imagine living with that 24/7. I definitely sympathized with my friends frustration. We decided to take matters into our own hands!!! We got some dog biscuits and put rescue remedy on them and my friend threw them over the 7ft fence. We heard them hit the ground. The dogs got quiet and after a minute or so we heard them crunching. And then it just got very quiet. So, we threw more! And for the remainder of the time I was visiting it was mostly quiet with only an occasional bark. Oh happy day. The dogs got to experience less stress and the neighbors more quiet.
I texted my friend the next eve to remind her to do the same thing with the biscuits and she texted back that she had been thinking about it all day and was looking forward to tossing over more 'medicated' biscuits!!!
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