I figure each moving day is going to have at least one entertaining story so here's one from this eve.
Friends and I were walking around the property checking out all the barns, etc...going shopping in a sense cuz the current owners are done collecting their things and the new owners haven't yet arrived. I was slowly opening the door to a little shed and the next thing I remember hearing is the word snake. Now, let me just say that as much as I love animals I am scared of snakes. Don't even like to touch them. When I heard the "s" word I instinctually lurched backwards. My sister grabbed my arm to try and keep me from falling but my feet caught in the blackberry brambles and in kinda slow motion we both fell into the blackberries. One of our friends was busy laughing so hard she couldn't help and the other kept trying to pull me up and then for some reason put me back down, each time scraping my back against the blackberry thorns. It took them awhile to see that in the fall I'd trapped my sister underneath me and she couldn't budge till I got up. Eventually they helped us both up and then the four of us recounted our own version of the story while bent over double laughing, gasping for air. I have a feeling I might not find it quite as hilarious tomorrow when I wake up paralyzed!!!
P.S. My sister claims no responsibility for this near death experience though she was shouting out the word "snake" to her snake phobic sister who was also having her period and has a nervous system wired like that of a meth addict. I'm not sure how that would look in a court of law.
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