Thursday, November 29, 2012

My Guru!

Is my swimmy headed 93 year old friend. Every dang time I am with her she is spewing out heart-full profundities. The most recent was: "love one another and work together." As she says this, it is clear that she has lived it and knows it to be true through and through.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

sheer positivity

The delight in hanging out with my wifty headed elderly friend is that she sees the positive in EVERYTHING. And I do mean everything. Yesterday, it was a rainy, darkly clouded day and as we made our way outside she pointed to a place in the sky that was slightly less dark then the rest and said: "see, the sun is trying to come out over there!"
Yesterday she was very gently feeling the feathers on a barn owl wing and exclaimed: "that feels luxurious!"
I just love her.