Monday, January 30, 2012


During conversation today my 92 year old friend occasionally would have trouble remembering a word here and there (a daily occurance in my world!)
She earnestly asked me if I thought she was getting Alzheimers and I answered truthfully: "no."
Then she looks me right in the eyeballs and says: "are you lying?"
I know I should have taken the question seriously, but I just started cracking up and shaking my head no...which got her tickled and soon enough it didn't matter!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Insect Booty!

"In an unusually bold step for invertebrate taxonomy, an Australian insect with a golden tuchus has just been officially named after pop singer Beyonce Knowles, also widely recognized as possessing first rate glutei maximi."

Center for Biological Diversity

it's reassuring to know that it takes more than just money to have something named after you. i'm sending the "shallow and proud" bumper sticker to this scientist!

Monday, January 23, 2012


photo by Gina Kelly


Saturday, January 21, 2012

Woody's newest friends

Woody went on vaca with me. he was a good traveling car sickness, infrequent need to stop for pee breaks and he was a decent navigator. he is also a gregarious fella and seemed to make new friends quite easily.

he appreciated the fact that the first two friends were quiet individuals, happy just to hang out and watch life together. tigger, on the other hand, wore woody out with his enthusiasm and bouncing!!!

Friday, January 20, 2012

My Dad!

i believe i've probably mentioned in some previous entry that my dad is a guy with a really good sense of humor. he's gifted in that department! sometimes i like to share his stories.
he told this particular story to my sister this morning and it went like this:
my mom had to have that eye procedure done where they lifted her eyelids because they were impairing her vision. she had that done yesterday. my dad went with her this a.m. so that the doctor could check on things. when they went, my dad stayed about 10 ft. or so behind my mom so that it appeared they were not together. i guess my mom's face was really swollen and bruised...looked as if either she'd been in an accident or someone had whupped up on her head. my dad didn't want anyone thinkin' he had ANYTHING to do with the situation, hence the 10 ft.!!!

and another good one goes like this:
my dad is hard of hearing but refuses to wear his hearing aids. he and my mom were having a conversation and my dad's response to something my mom said was: "you're pregnant?" of course my mom fell out and then my dad followed suit. after telling me the story he's says: "i wasn't trying to be funny or anything. i really thought that's what your mother said!" Then he adds: "i know i'm a little hard of hearing but your mother mumbles!!!" Then i fell out!

the apple does not fall far from the tree, i might add. while on the phone with my sis this morning she said: "the rot people are here checking under the house." in my mind i am wondering why on a wet, stormy day she has people crawling around under her house looking for rot. so, i say to her: "you've got rot under your house?" there is a pregnant pause and she says: "rats." but i swear that again it sounded like rot so i say back to her as if SHE is hard of hearing: "rot?" all i heard was: "oh my god, i am calling dad to tell him about this!!" i know my hearing isn't as good as it used to be but if you'd heard her you would have thought she said rot, too!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

bumper sticker

Today my gayboy friend (dougo, who by the way looks FABULOUS in a pink tutu) and i came up with a phrase that we thought had good bumper sticker potential:

shallow and proud!!

we were amongst a mixed group of peeps and one of the older men was earnestly and seriously recomending to a younger man that he read men's health magazine because of the intelligent and useful content. the older fella also mentioned that his wife read women's health for the same reasons. my friend and i laughed as we agreed we'd just as soon look at the pretty pictures!!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012


While hangin' out with my 4 y.o. buddy today he said while rubbing his eye: "my eye is not feeling well."
I said I was sorry to hear that and asked him what was wrong with it? He responded with: "it's feeling winky."

Friday, January 13, 2012


suppose we are already home and this is what home looks like.
suppose we are not lost and that we are never lost, really.
suppose we are in promise to love one another as is, no matter what, and that is our fundamental nature.
suppose we have gotten who we are, and forgotten.
suppose every upset is a call to come home, to be home, to be at home.
suppose everything we don't like and everything we do like equally point us homeward.
suppose we really do matter to one another.
suppose my life is yours, yours mine.
suppose i give my life to you.

from: All Sickness Is Home Sickness

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Free Advice!

i don't like to use the word "never" very often. however, there is one occasion when i think it is appropriate. here goes...(this applies to peeps of a certain age!) NEVER, under any circumstances, look in the mirror with your magnifiers on. don't do it. especially if you are on the inconsolable end of the hormonal spectrum. it will be bad for you and everyone in your orbit...and may take a long, long time to get over!!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

What's A Girl To Do?

Today a beauty-full woman offered me her very handsome horse...
I was so flustered that I told her I would ponder the question and let her know.
Always wanted a horse...and he's a big ol love bucket of a fella ;)
I guess it's good to specify the species when requesting a relationship from the universe, huh?!

Monday, January 9, 2012

The Sometimes Funny Truth

A few weeks before the holidays I was visiting with my 93 year old friend. When I  walked in the door she was in the middle of writing her holiday cards and said: "I am NOT doing this again next year."
I let it go for the moment but later as we were walking I said: " Are you not going to write cards next year b/c you don't want to or b/c you won't be around?" She answered: "Both" and we just fell out!!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Style! (or lack of!!!)

one of the big reasons i love and appreciate the small town in which i live is that one can wear or do just about anything and nobody looks twice. once i wore my flannel nightgown out to dinner!
however, after visiting a small village in northern new mexico, i think they might have us beat in the style department. there were more bed heads there per capita than i am accustomed to seeing anywhere and many peeps looked like they might have just rolled out of the bed. anyone looking spiffy would not only stick out like a sore thumb but would also be suspect! all this lends itself to a certain kind of charm.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Crack Up!

I saw this sign in a store recently and it cracked me right up:

"Unaccompanied minors will be given a shot of espresso and a free puppy to take home!!!"

Monday, January 2, 2012


                        Dixie and Tigger in "conversation."

Psychotic Reading

While in Flagstaff I had the unusual good fortune of receiving a "reading" from a very color-full channeler who mostly just laughed.
However, her one prediction was that i would be getting into a relationship with a very wealthy person.