Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Over the years I have dished out PLENTY of shit to my friends who turned 50...couldn't help myself!!!
So, I guess the joke was on me today when I received something in the mail from AARP. The funny thing was that I found myself genuinely shocked that it was addressed to ME!
After groaning a big groan, I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Thought for the Day

In Parker Palmer's new book, Healing the Heart of Democracy he offers this up:
"Cultivate the ability to hold tension in life giving ways."

Monday, November 21, 2011

Preach on Brother Campbell

"You must have a room, or a certain hour or so a day, where you don't know what was in the newspapers
that morning...a place where you can simply experience and bring forth what you are and what you might be."

-Joseph Campbell

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Badge Envy

For years now I have been envious and yes, even jealous, of my friend DB. She has in her possession a set of law enforcement badges...sheriffs, rangers, etc. Don't get me wrong, she has been very generous about lending them to me along with the authority inherent in each one. And believe you me, that sheriffs badge came in handy when some attendees at art day overdosed themselves on chocolate and needed the long arm of the law to keep them out of harms way. There was also the unfortunate occasion when I flashed said badge at 2 Oakland ex cops...and then groveled for their pardon (for impersonating a law enforcement officer!!!)
To her credit, DB deputized me some time ago (but no badge and no dinero)  However, promises were made about promotions based on stellar performance (undercover work included) that never materialized. That is, until tonight. Apparently, I am heading up an entirely new dept. and I do think it's some kind of promotion. My new badge reads: Brothel Inspector (Kansas City division)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Sleep Issues?

If you have trouble falling asleep I recommend watching/listening to reruns of The Lawrence Welk Show with eyes closed!!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Those Yummy Curves!

I haven't been in the studio throwing pots for close to 2 years...and mostly have not felt the inclination to go back except for the occasional fleeting desire.
Tonight I was looking at a ceramic bowl made from a mold...nothing special.
But as I was looking at the curve of that bowl I had a visceral memory of how it felt to create curves in my bowls...how sensual and satisfying...and I felt a missing.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Teacher Called Dementia

After hanging out with a friend who has dementia I was reminded in such a strong way of the power of the mind...
and reminded, too, of who we are when not identified with the mind...
as I sat with my friend we talked about the mental distress she was experiencing...how the mind plays tricks on us and wants us to believe what it says to be true. I knew even if she didn't rationally understand the conversation that still some part of her recognized truth and could actually rest in that knowing. And that is what happened...the minds agitation slowed and she appeared to experience more ease in being.
what a beauty-full gift and a potent lesson...

Friday, November 11, 2011

You've heard of ADD?

Well, today someone told me about a new condition called RDD.
Have you heard of it?
Retention Defecit Disorder!!!
I got me a serious case.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Stealth Snuggler!

It is not uncommon for me to go to bed catless! However, what is common is to wake up with one or both cats either in or on the bed. Sometime in the night Simon (in beige) slinks under the covers without waking me and parks his whole body up against my chest so that his head shares the pillow with mine. I wake up to find him snuggled right up next to me purring, purring, purring. I mean to shout, how much better can it get!!!
And then when Liza (in black) joins the pile, she often goes to her normal spot up next to my head (next to and sometimes TOUCHING Simon, OMG!!!). Sometimes she will park it right there and I will have one hand on her warm purring belly and one on Simon's soft purring furz...
This morning though, Liza wanted under the covers in a serious way. The thing is Simon was under the covers in the exact spot she wanted. And had I let her see him she would have hissed at his sleeping self and he probably would have gotten up to leave. So, she swiped at my face several times and talked at me before giving up and going to the foot of the bed. I felt bad so I gingerly turned on my other side so Simon was at my back and then lifted the covers for my girl to come under...which she did and then turned around several times (letting in the cold air!) before laying down! Then I felt like a purr sandwich with Liza purring at my chest and Simon purring at my back. Never mind about sleep!!!