Sunday, November 20, 2011

Badge Envy

For years now I have been envious and yes, even jealous, of my friend DB. She has in her possession a set of law enforcement badges...sheriffs, rangers, etc. Don't get me wrong, she has been very generous about lending them to me along with the authority inherent in each one. And believe you me, that sheriffs badge came in handy when some attendees at art day overdosed themselves on chocolate and needed the long arm of the law to keep them out of harms way. There was also the unfortunate occasion when I flashed said badge at 2 Oakland ex cops...and then groveled for their pardon (for impersonating a law enforcement officer!!!)
To her credit, DB deputized me some time ago (but no badge and no dinero)  However, promises were made about promotions based on stellar performance (undercover work included) that never materialized. That is, until tonight. Apparently, I am heading up an entirely new dept. and I do think it's some kind of promotion. My new badge reads: Brothel Inspector (Kansas City division)

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