Friday, June 10, 2011

The sleepy bandidtos!

There are certain "laws" about country living. One of them is never leave yer car windows down at night...fer that is an invitation to the nocturnal ones to party down inside your vehicle.
The muddy paw prints began on the hood, up the windshield, over the roof to...dang it, i left my window down just enough so a small raccoon could squeeze in. I open the car door and am surprised to NOT find a huge mess. However, i did find the wrapper remains of several bags of dog treats that i keep in my car for those unexpected encounters with the canine family...a few crumbs on the seat...and...
i laughed out loud when i saw it/they had also eaten some calming tablets...the visual got me right away...drowsy coonies passed out in some random spot unable to stagger one more step. i'm surprised they didn't just sleep it off in my car!

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