Sunday, June 5, 2011

Trilly's journal

With her permission, Trillium, the three legged (and now blind) cat allowed me to post her journal. This was written during a period of time when her peeps were away and i was taking care of her.

Day 1
here's what i got the long one to do for me the very first day!
lay down on the bed right next to me, brush my long and luxurious furz, rub my belly till i thought i might pass out AND promise me turkey meaty balls.
between you and i, she's a pushover.

Day 2
we met outside and i have to admit. i was glad to see her...let her hold me for a little while...not too, too long lest she get the wrong idea...a certain degree of aloofness and such.
a second promise for turkey meaty balls. we'll see...

Day 3
in my top secret hiding spot till the long one was about to leave. she gave me turkey meaty balls even tho i made myself scarce today :) DEEEEEEEEELICIOUS!

Day 4
now we're talkin'...had a gaggle oh gals over today admiring me. i especially liked the long one's sister called the little one. she brushed me up one side and down the other till i accidently drew blood with a little ol swipe. oops! sat outside to watch it get dark with the long one.
oh, and i'm not braggin' or anything but i did kill a gopher today and left it for the long one to admire.

Day 5
today was mutual grooming day. the long one got out the brush and fluffed my furz till i looked like i'd just walked out of a beauty parlor. well, not exactly cuz when it got to my matted parts i got a little grouchy and finally had to jump off the bed. in turn, i gave her a pretty comprehensive facial. she made some odd facial contortions and complained/whined that my tongue was too rough...but prior to that some seriously needed exfoliation took place.
(translator's note: "ouch")

Day 6
Whole lotta chillaxin' goin' on here was some kinda HOT...and i do mean HOT. had to just take to the shade and think cool thoughts.

Day 7
the long one claims that my furz are especially schmutz filled today and asked me where i'd been. jeez louise, i'm a country cat, not a prissy show cat. and besides, maybe i like that and organic like...perhaps i could even go so far as to say it's a fashion statement of sorts. it's not like SHE just walked off the pages of cosmopolitan or anything.

Day 8
she can't find me...tho she knows i was here cuz my meaty ball plate is clean as a whistle. felt only a little bad cuz i foiled the long one's plans to hang with me this eve.

Day 9
i knew the long one was a bit worried cuz i wasn't around yesterday, so i made it a point to be inside when she came over this evening...meowin' and everything! i could tell she was relieved. she told me it will be either 2 or 3 more sundowns till my peeps get home. i'm not exactly sure how much time that is but i get the sense it's not too, too much longer. PHEW. don't get me wrong, i LOVE the long one in a big's just that i'll be real, real happy to have our pack back intact.

Day 10
i'll tell you was a R U D E awakening. i was deep in the midst of my early evening nap, nestled at the base of the glad-eee-oh-lahs, when out of the blue came a torrential rain. it sure hadn't looked like rain when my eyelids slammed shut a little earlier. when i felt the water i opened my eyes...lo and behold, guess who was was not even 10 feet from me? yep, the long one merrily watering the garden! all was forgiven when, after she saw me, she kept singing my name, bein' all excited to see me. a girl can't hold a grudge under those conditions!

Day 11
i remembered it was the long one's last day so when i heard her i popped out of my cosmic rest area under the cosmos to say hello. a love fest was followed by us sittin' on the porch's warm cement and me havin' a little nappy poo whilst resting my head against her shoe. it's a good life!

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