Friday, February 22, 2013

Feline Reflection

It has been a common experience in the last number of months for me to wake up around 4 a.m. with my heart beating very fast, my mind racing and a shortness of breath. I have been trying both new and old tools to support myself and yet the pattern has continued. That is until this morning. Something shifted and it was an unusual and pleasant experience. And what fascinated me the most was one of my cats. She has been so, so loud and insistent in her communications...literally getting in my face and talking AT me and being very itchy and agitated. This morning after she returned from her usual morning patrols, she climbed up on the bed, parked herself directly on top of my chest and sat very quietly, reflecting my own quietness back to me. I am embarrassed to say that I genuinely had not interpreted her previous behavior as having anything to do with me (OMG, really!!!) even though that is the work i do with others and would have been able to identify it in one quick heartbeat...
Anyways, it was so restorative and nourishing to spend that time that particular way.
I feel so lucky to share worlds with my animal friends. A blessing in the deepest sense.

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