Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Big Move

I woke up this morning thinking about my parents and the somewhat recent move they made from their home of 40 years to a senior living campus with graduated care. My original thought was about the fact that they knew only one neighbor after living in their home a lifetime...and they only knew that family by default because their mother had owned the house previously and my folks were friends with her. But aside from those neighbors, they had no immediate community. It just got me to thinking about how sooooo many people in our culture share that same experience of isolation. Which set me to feel extra grateful for all the relations i have in my immediate hood be they two legged, four legged, winged or with roots. I am surrounded by relationships and as a result, feel a sense of connection (and responsibility) to them.
The good news for my folks is now that they're moved into this new world, they have begun a whole new chapter of relationships and community. I think for the most part they both are really enjoying it.
Prior to the move my dad sat at home and watched tv or slept most of the time. He rarely ventured out and about. When I spoke with him on the phone the other day he was describing their social life. I said: "dad, you sound pretty busy." He laughed and said: "yea, sometimes I'm too busy!"

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