Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Dr.'s In The House!

My two personal purrologists are on call 24/7 for me as I am for them. So, today as I lay in the bed feeling puny as all get out from the flu, they both ultimately landed on my chest. First on the scene was Dr. Liza, happy as ever to be near or on my body both in sickness and in health (she takes her oath very seriously) As she contentedly lay curled up on my right chest, Dr. Simon popped up on the bed and decided to add a second opinion! Now, for those of you unfamiliar with the feline dynamics here, let me just say that ANYTIME, and I do mean ANYTIME Liza has an opportunity to smack Simon, she most certainly does! He's gotten used to it and knows how to both dodge her punches or just not get within striking range!
Today though, perhaps due to his responsibilities as one of my personal physicians, he climbed up on my chest right next to Liza. She gave him a couple serious hisses, but I had ahold of her paws so she couldn't swat him! And to her credit she didn't get up in a huff and leave. Simon parked on the left side of my chest and began administering his purring meds! At first the two of them most definitely were NOT touching. But as time wore on and Liza, in particular, got more relaxed, they actually did slightly touch :) And there we lay in a little cozy pile, me feeling so grateful for such easy, restorative companionship. After a time Dr. Liza did find it necessary to go which then gave Dr. Simon the space to rearrange himself and park in the center of my chest tucked under my chin!!!

1 comment:

Gina Kelly said...

Sounds like you're in good hands, er. . . paws. Feel better!