Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Stinging Nettles

For reasons I don't understand, I have been hesitant to share this story. But now, for reasons I don't understand, I will!!!
There is a window of time in late April to mid May when I go and harvest stinging nettles. When collecting nettles it is good to wear long pants and long sleeves along with leather gloves because the plant does "sting." Though not terribly painful it is unpleasant and can last up to several days. People actually used to intentionally sting themselves to help relieve the pain of arthritis I think it was.
Nettles like moist environments and does really well in partial shade. I found a beauty-full creek beside which grows big bunches of nettles. It's such a lovely experience to listen to the water and the watch the dappled light play on the plants and make the water sparkly...and to bask in the deeper quiet. I always look forward to this adventure.
For those of you outside of northern california this may seem odd, but before I collect wild plants I like to sit with them and listen to the best of my ability (I certainly don't think of myself as a plant whisperer...but I do have honest intentions) Anyways, that day I parked myself right next to some nettles and just "listened."
What I "heard" was that I was to touch the plant bare handed! So, I gingerly began touching one of the leaves, expecting to feel that sting. But it never happened. I continued touching the leaves more contact-fully as my fear of being stung subsided. My mind really couldn't believe what was happening. I could feel my circuits blowing one after the other. It made no rational sense. At a certain point, I stopped touching the plant and just sat quietly. After a bit, I "heard" that I was to touch the plant again. As soon as I made contact with the leaf, I burst into tears and had a big, deep cry. For in that moment I realized in such a profound way that "REALITY" is what we believe it to be...that truth permeated every atom, every cell of my being and I was, for a moment, set free.

1 comment:

Gina Kelly said...

Beautiful! Thanks for sharing this.