Saturday, August 17, 2013

Chocolate Love

On Friday night after the Occidental Farmer's Market was shutting down some friends and I had dinner and hung out. It was one of those spontaneous combustion hilarious events that you can't describe cuz it doesn't translate...but all of us left with our hearts having been seriously tickled!
This morning I saw one of the fellows who was there last night and he told me he had a present for me. Now, knowing this fellow as I do I was immediately suspicious. I thought I might be the butt of some practical joke. However, he set a package down in front of me and had a quasi earnest look on his face. I opened the package, looked in and busted out laughing. He had gone to the local groovy market and bought one of EVERY SINGLE CHOCOLATE BAR!!! Unbelievable. The gesture was so darn sweet I could hardly believe it.

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