Saturday, January 25, 2014

Art Project

I'm almost certain I'm not the first person to think about this idea that has been percolating in my own innards...but, i thought it'd be a very fun and cool thing for any sizable construction project to have an on-site artist (kindah like an artist in residence!) Making "art" out of whatever is discarded. Having just watched a year long construction project's "waste" stream, it kept recurring in my brain and my heart that something beautiful, imaginative, funky, exciting and thought provoking could be created out of the discarded this's and that's. I know that some contractors try their best to re-home what they can and responsibly dispose of "waste," but I think the effect of the actual on-site transformation of those things could elicit a different feeling or sense of our relationship to waste. A documentary in the making, fer reelz!

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