Thursday, January 23, 2014

Don't Be Still, My Beating Heart!

Within the last 18 months or so my actual physical heart has changed it's modus operandi! Often, it beats very fast and I can actually hear and feel it thumping in my chest. While it was pretty unnerving when it first began to happen, I think I have, for the most part, gotten used to it. Now, I have what has become a nightly ritual in regard to my heart. When I shift my position from sitting up in the bed to laying down and the rest of my house is very quiet, my heart sounds particularly loud. So, for the first few minutes before I fall asleep I just listen to my own heart beating…to my blood being circulated...and without fail, I am reminded of the miracle that is the body. Especially when there is chronic pain or discomfort, it's natural to think the body isn't working the way it's "supposed" to. And, maybe it's not. But, I've found it both fascinating and comforting to also see/hear/feel all the "little" and "simple" miracles that are happening every milisecond within the body yet are easy to overlook. When we stop for a moment and pay attention to the hundreds, if not thousands of actions that are happening as they are designed to within the body for it to achieve the simplest of movements, it becomes mind blowing... As well as an excellent reminder of just how well the body really is working in every moment.

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