Sunday, January 19, 2014

Memory Loss...LOL!

My dad called twice this last week for two days in a row around 6:15 am. 
On the morning of the third day I called him at 7am my time. I told him I didn't have a long time to talk as I was getting ready to go to work. That gave him the opening to wonder what time it was on my end! He said lately he could not remember if it was two hours earlier or two hours later where I lived. I told him that it was two hours earlier in California and that, in fact, for the last couple mornings he had called me around 6 am. I could hear him start to laugh as he said: "oh Lord, oh Lord.!"
So, the next day I called him up and I said to him: "Dad, I just wanted you to know that it's still two hours earlier here.!"
He didn't say a word...he  just started laughing. Laughter sure softens the sometimes hard edges of things like memory loss.

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