Tuesday, August 9, 2011


On one of my flights to Kansas City I sat next to a woman who I initially thought I might not like. I had the window seat and she kept leanin' over on me to take pictures out of the window. And tho I was cold and her body was helping to keep me warm, I was a little uncomfortable with her bein' in "my space."
Not long into the flight we struck up a conversation and we had a blast. We were laughing our heads off.
We covered a lot of different topics and at one point she asked me if I was on Facebook. I said I wasn't. She replied back: "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? You and my dead grandmother are the only two people I know NOT on Facebook!"
I just about pee'd my pantalones!!!

1 comment:

Gina Kelly said...

As much as i want to be able to interact with you on Facebook (you would be a really fun Facebook friend!), I admire that you're sticking to your guns on this one.