Saturday, May 11, 2013

Personal Moment

ok, so i tried to act like i hadn't just seen michelle obama go into the...well...the porta potty.
but something came over me and when she stepped out i rushed her. i couldn't stop myself. and then, well, i did that thing that we NEVER want to do with a famous know, tell them EVERYTHING you absolutely love about them as quickly as possible as if you were on speed! and they just look at you like maybe you ARE on drugs but do so in a polite way. do you know what i mean? anyways, i think we hit it off because she said that anytime i was in washington i should come to visit the white house. and then asked if she could have her photo taken with me. what was i gonna say?
i wasn't exactly dressed for the occasion and was kinda sweaty cuz i'd been in the sun all day but she didn't seem to mind one little can see she is just beaming that beautiful smile of hers.

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