Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Bliss Boy

The other evening I made an emergency run into town to get a coconut bliss bar!
I brought it home and was sitting outside on a lawn chair. It was that beauty-full time of the eve when things begin to quiet and the very best thing you can do is sit and listen (and eat coco bliss!)
As I was sitting there Simon, my boy cat, jumped up onto the arm of the chair and parked himself. He didn't act overtly interested in what I was eating which then made me think of Liza. Had she been on the arm of the chair she most certainly would have wanted to smell the bar, give it a lick and then bite off a sizable chunk...and another and then another!!! But Simon is a more reserved individual. I let him smell the bar and then he very delicately took a little lick. After digesting that and evaluating whether he liked it or not he began licking the top of the bar very sweetly. I sat watching, smiling and experiencing, well....Bliss!

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