Saturday, March 8, 2014

Love Thy Neighbor?

Holy Smokes...
I live in a quasi remote location in the northern CA hills. It's remoteness lends itself to some version of a wild west mentality. People don't abide by "normal" laws. The property was also once home to a commune back in the 60's. So, that also lends itself to drawing "outlaw" kind of characters. The property itself is mostly still wild with the exception of the maybe 15 dwellings (might be a stretch to call some of them houses!) Anyways, given that the property itself and the surrounding area is still relatively undeveloped,  there are wild critters in close proximity. If you know me or read my blog then you already know how I feel about animals...
A few months ago my land mate told me that our neighbor shot and killed a bobcat. My heart broke upon hearing that news. For me it's one thing to kill an animal if you are going to eat it. But this bobcat got killed because it killed this guys chicken. Again, to my way of thinking if you are going to keep chickens (there are also some sheep) out here where there are wild predators then it is incumbent upon you to secure those chickens or sheep. End of story. Yesterday I ran into this fellow walking down our road with a rifle slung over his shoulder. He, another neighbor and I were having a "conversation" of sorts. He mentioned that he had been out to kill another bobcat but had been foiled when someone drove up and scared it off. I said to him: "doesn't another bobcat just move into the dead bobcat's territory?" He replied: "yeah, but you get about a two month period in between." There isn't too much logic in that thinking process. I think it's not about bobcats and chickens but rather about there always being some sort of "other" that's perceived as an adversary or enemy. And how does that way of thinking ever change? I absolutely do not know. I'm aware of my mind making him the "other" so perhaps it's just a continuum.  That said, my heart still breaks when there is seemingly senseless killing.

1 comment:

Charlotte said...

I have a few comments for him... 1) hey buddy, buy your chicken and eggs at the Safeway, like everybody else and leave the bobcats alone and 2) ironic that you are the one with the gun and the one most deserving to be shot.